The ARP Women’s Ministries is an organization which encourages and equips the community of ARP women to minister together for God’s glory and purpose.
All women who are members of the Greenville ARP Church are members of Greenville Women’s Ministries. The purpose of our Women’s Ministries is to provide women opportunities for spiritual growth through Bible study and creative fellowship. Building on this foundation we seek to serve in the church and community with a Christ like love. See also the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Denomination Web Site for more information regarding Women’s Ministries within our denomination.
Greenville ARP Women’s Ministries
President: Susan Tanner
Vice President: Joy Rogers
Past President: Vicki Marsh
Secretary: Emily A. Patrick
Treasurer: Allison Greer
Historian: Ellen Scroggs
At-Large Representative: Patricia Evans
At-Large Representative: Kathyryn Matocha
Women’s Circles
We have three circles, small groups of ladies, which meet monthly to study the Bible, pray together, and enjoy a time of fellowship. Our circles meet on the second Tuesday of the month (unless otherwise noted), but at different times and at various locations.
Circle of Grace
Circle of Grace meets on the second Tuesday at 6:30pm in members' homes. Contact Emily T. Patrick for more information.
Mary Beckham Circle
Mary Beckham Circle meets on the second Tuesday at 10:00am in the Conference Room. Contact Susan Oliver for more information.
Mary Woods Circle
Mary Woods Circle meets on the second Tuesday at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Ann Nickles for more information.
Bethany Sisters Bible Study
This women’s Bible Study meets on Thursday mornings from 10:00-11:30am. Please contact Beverly Terlizzi for more information.
Meal Ministry for New Parents
We have a meal ministry for members at Greenville ARP who have recently added a new baby to their family. We use and send out a link to the congregation in Weekly E-blasts. If you have any questions about this ministry, please contact Emily A. Patrick at