Adult Quarterly Sunday School Teacher’s Guide - From Christian Education Ministries of the ARP

Answers in Genesis - Believing It, Defending It, Proclaiming It

ARP Position Papers - Addresses abortion, homosexuality, historicity of Adam, marriage, etc..

Bible Gateway - A Valuable Resource with Multiple Translations (New International Version, New American Standard Bible, New King James, English Standard, King James, etc.)

Calvin’s Commentaries - Classic Pastoral and Devotional Commentaries from John Calvin

Don’t Waste Your Cancer - Recommended Article by John Piper

Ligonier Ministries - Link to excellent Reformed resources flowing from the teaching ministry of R. C. Sproul

Matthew Henry’s Commentary (Concise) - Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible - Concise Version

New Testament Gateway - Some New Testament Web Resources

Treasury of David - Beautiful Commentary on the Psalms by Charles Haddon Spurgeon from the 1800’s

World Wide Study Bible - Search the Scriptures by phrase search, word search, verse search and wildcard search through 14 versions.